Poker Face Sample Sentence
Poker face: Someone is described as having a poker face if their face is expressionless and without emotion. The term poker face is mostly used when talking about the card game poker; poker players don’t want people to know what they are thinking or feeling, so they force a straight face that hides all clues. Poker face in a sentence - Use 'poker face' in a sentence 1. Gaga then returns and sings ' Poker Face ' on the cat-walk. Lyrically, ' Poker Face ' is all about sexual innuendo and teasing. Click for more sentences of poker face. How to use poker face in a sentence. Poker face (noun): an impassive expression that hides one's true feelings. Having a poker face is both a gift and a curse. What does the idiom wore a poker face mean, electronic roulette mohegan sun, poker face producer, trabajo para azafatas casino en lima-0.


- Gaga then returns and sings ' Poker Face ' on the cat-walk.
- Lyrically, ' Poker Face ' is all about sexual innuendo and teasing.
- Swoopes wore a poker face to deprive the enemy of emotional feedback.
- Bruno has studiously maintained a poker face when confronted with the issue.
- Johnson, poker faced, sentenced the black men to 30 minutes in custody.
- The song was nominated for the Poker Face ' by Lady Gaga.
- I think I keep a poker face, but I never really do.
- 'Poker Face ' was released as the second single from the album.
- The single includes a cover of Lady Gaga's ' Poker Face '.
- Taylor Bowman has a poker face that can mask a million thoughts.
- It's difficult to see poker face in a sentence .
- BMW is maintaining its poker face in high-stakes bidding for Rolls-Royce.
- The poker face gives way to a great sense of humor.
- Her serious demeanor led to her ' poker face ' nickname.
- He has those steely eyes and that poker face that convey serious business.
- He had a poker mind as well as a poker face.
- At last Schoch allowed a smile to crease his poker face.
- And she found the poker faces at fashion shows, in Paris especially, disconcerting.
- Then she resumed her poker face and continued down the runway.
- Diaz Roncero went back to the poker game _ with a poker face.
- Together, they produced hits that became hugely popular including ' Poker Face '.
Poker Face Example Sentence
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