Gambling Related Suicides Australia

Addicts 6x more likely to consider suicide

The CPU identified 128 gambling-related suicides reported to the Coroners Court of Victoria between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2012. These included 126 suicides of people who had engaged in problem gambling, and two suicides of people who were adversely affected by a partner’s problem gambling. They were not the result of massive gambling debts, rather what gambling had done to their hearts and their heads. No one knows how many deaths are related to gambling each year; but research indicates that there are between 250 and 650 gambling related suicides every year in the UK a minimum of one every working day. A study undertaken in Hong Kong in 2010 found that of the 233 gambling suicides in the city over the course of a year, 110 of the victims had significant debts related to their problem.


New research has revealed that problem gamblers have a six times greater chance of having suicidal thoughts, or attempt to kill themselves. They are also 15 times more likely to actually die by suicide.

The report was commissioned by the UK’s leading problem gambling charity, GambleAware. It calls upon the government to do much more to combat the perils of gambling.

The level of risk for problem gamblers remains the same, even when weighted for other potential contributing factors such as financial worries, substance abuse and depression. Even ignoring such factors, problem gamblers are still three times likelier to either contemplate or attempt suicide.

Of those who partook in the study, 19% had suicidal thoughts over the past 12 months, in comparison with 4.1% of the general population. Likewise, 4.7% had attempted suicide attempt compared with 0.6% of the general population.

Even though Australia is a very small country it is globally number one in per capita gambling-related suicides. $23 billion was gambled away last year (The population is almost 25 million) of this more than half was due to poker machines.

Gambling related suicides australia fires

A study recently published in Sweden showed similar results, linking problem gambling and suicide. While the criteria used were somewhat different, the basic conclusion remains the same.

Profound harms

One of the authors of the report is a London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine professor. She believes urgent action is needed to help protect people with addiction issues.

Dr Heather Wardle said: “The harms from gambling are profound and can be devastating for individuals, families and communities. These results show how people with gambling problems are a higher risk group for suicidality.”

She added that additional training is needed for staff who could potentially interact with people who may be suicidal. She was critical of gambling companies, saying they need to “put people before profit.”

Urgent action needed

Liz and Charlie Ritchie lost their 24-year-old son Jack to suicide following struggles with a gambling addiction. They have backed the results of GambleAware’s research. They said that lax regulation of the gambling industry is a contributing factor to suicides like that of their son.

The Ritchies are also taking legal action to make the government legally liable for Jack’s death. They believe that each year in the UK hundreds of suicides are linked to gambling issues. They are calling on the government, the industry and the regulators to act now.

One area the Ritchies believe needs urgent action is banning gambling advertising. They also want a mandatory levy on gambling companies’ revenues. Currently, there is a voluntary levy, but it does not generate the funds that it should. Some gambling companies are contributing as little as £1 annually.

A group of gambling companies have said they want to avoid a mandatory levy. Instead they have offered to increase the amount they pay for the next five years, up to 1% of their annual revenues. This would see GambleAware receive about £60m each year.

PATHOLOGICAL gamblers arerisking more than their money, they are also three times more likely to commitsuicide than non-betters. A new Montreal inter-university study has shown thesegamblers are also plagued by personality disorders. These findings, publishedin a recent issue of the Psychology of Addictive Behaviours, may haveimplications for developing improved targeted suicide prevention programs.
'The World HealthOrganization estimates that suicide is one of the top ten causes of death inthe Western world,' says study co-author, Richard Boyer a Université deMontréal professor and researcher at the Centre de recherche Fernand-Seguin atthe Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital. 'In addition, pathological gamblersaccount for five percent of all suicides. These staggering statistics motivatedus to study the difference between gamblers and non-gamblers.'
Gamblers have more personalitydisorders
The study examined 122 suicidesbetween 2006 and 2009, of which 49 were pathological gamblers. Data from the coroner'sfiles were compiled and psychological autopsy interviews with families andfriends of the deceased were completed.
'Our findings showed thatthose gamblers who commit suicide had twice as many specific personalitydisorders as other suicide victims,' says co-author Alain Lesage, alsofrom the Université de Montréal.
'These personalitydisorders seem to significantly increase the risk of suicide for compulsivegamblers,' says Boyer. 'Three lethal elements are generallyrecognized: depression, alcohol or drug consumption and a personality disorder.These psychiatric disorders can in-turn interact with each other. For example,the depression can lead to the alcohol or drug consumption, which in turn leadsto greater financial problems, which amplifies the depression.'
Gamblers don't consult healthprofessionals
The study also showed thatgamblers who committed suicide were three times less likely to have consulted ahealth service in the year preceding their death.
'Gamblers don't consultprofessionals because they believe the problem will solve itself,' saysBoyer. 'They believe their financial or alcohol or drug problems are theresult of gambling and therefore they seek a solution in gambling rather thanget help.'
Twelve percent of gamblers admittedto a friend or family member having spent over $5,000 in a given day. And 70percent had borrowed the money to play.
'Parents and healthprofessionals should be more vigilant in looking for signs of suicide amongpathological gamblers,' says Boyer. 'The sooner this disorder isdiagnosed the sooner therapy can begin and the better chances forsuccess.'
Editor's Note: This article isnot intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you orsomeone you love are in the grips of Pathological Gambling call us today forimmediate confidential help.
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Gambling Related Suicides Australia Wildfires

Gambling Related Suicides Australia
Maria Pau is a 4x No. 1best-selling author on the subjects of addiction and co-dependency andspiritual wellness. She is the Program Director of Coaching with Substance, thefirst registered public benevolent institution, charity and not-for profitassociation in Australia that focuses on wellness instead of illness, usingcoaching principles for peak performance. We run a cutting edge holisticaddiction treatment program and outpatient rehabilitation consultancy firm thatensures you are released from the shackles of addiction once and for all.
Primary care at CWS ispersonalised to treat each individual using programs that integrate mind, bodyand soul. CWS programs are enhanced by highly effective group coaching andtherapeutic processes as well as individual coaching, spiritual insights,therapy and extensive aftercare assistance.
All clients are thoroughlyassessed by a highly trained and experienced recovery coach, registered provisionalpsychologist, ordained mystic, mental health officer and certified naturopaths(including Ayurveda and Acupuncturist). Clients may also be referred forpsychometric testing and assessment, if needed. International clients welcome.

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